Shadow and Outline Boat Stickers Information

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Do you print the shadow or outline stickers?

No we do not.

  • Printed stickers printed on a qaulity material and laminated have an outdoor rating of only 4 years.
  • The print sits on the surface of these stickers.
  • The standard vinyl option we offer has an outdoor rating of 5 years for colours and 3 years for metallics.
  • The 3M vinyl option outdoor rating is more compared with the standard option above.

For these reasons we do not offer or do we have demands for printed stickers. Stickers made from pure vinyl last much more longer than printed stickers.

How are the shadow or outline stickers made?

Each colour is a separate layer. So you will receive the text on one layer and the outline or shadow effect on another layer.

For 1 outline sticker for example you will receive 2 sheets. 1 for text and 1 for outline.

Are these stickers easy to install?

Yes they are. This is a guided process with easy to follow instructions and more easier to apply if you choose the 3M Option.

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